Bear bear card frm CG N237. When i opened the envelope i was like oh gosh the bear bear so kawaii (cute). and then i saw the words Embroidery cards and i was lyk ARGHH OMG WOW. so cool. the bear was stitch on the card.
When i opened the card I was very Touched thz u all who wrote in this card to give mi encouragement. thou got lack a few people like max n kevin and eugene. Oh so sad.... where were you guys??? shy
this is how the two cards i received looks like inside.
Whoever wrote keep up with your sunshine spirit haha okay i would keep it up de. come back and sun burnt everyone haha.
And I would jiayou and study very hard this sem de.
Card from jessie and Gek theng. Thz gals. I din imagine i would get a card. but i was wrong haha so really really thank you both. hmm gek theng dunno i got blog haha jessie help me thz her k.
I really like the card. and the small envelope inside oh and the phrase. You're my sunshine. My only sunshine haha i shy le la u say me like that akakaka.
OMG i was so so touched from this letter from jessie. *HUGS hugs* duoble hugs to jessie. You are also my BFF (best fren forever). Time really flies man, i miss being in Np with you and chasing away your Mon blues. Where we really had no care in the world and play and study like crazy everyday.
Glad you like my blog post haha. Dun feel bad about my encouraging you. because i had gone through what you had. I can relate and i want to encourage you too. Let's both aja aja jiayou wor. hehe. Hugs to you again.
When i go to heaven or reflect on mi life. i think thru all the mistakes, regrets, Disapointments I had. Thru all the ups and downs i had faced I cannot deny i made some great friends whom i do not want to lost ever in this lifetime. kaka. Now back in Aussie i feel lonely because you all are not with me. sob sob but don't worry guys I would be strong and not be so negative but be positive by looking into the future and enjoy myself to the best I can.
Thank you so much to all who came to send me off on 27 july. realli thank u so muchie. And to those you could not come I really understand de i really thank you too for wanting to come send me off. I really appreciate all your efforts and encouragement people.
Man i still owe Shuning a bdae card. Sian. Shuning if you come my bdae party i would pass it to you but if you dun come den no card ok??? fair enuf??? haha i know it's not fair k. NVM.
Jocc n kevin Jiayou k for FYP. Sonia get well soon n take care your body. JT n gang study hard k. Irene wrk hard k. Shifu have fun at NTU u can do it de. Jessie jiayou. Gektheng n Sihui wrk hard n jiayou at work. Shuning and I we both muz jaiyou last semester le wor haha.
Haha, whr is the card that we gave u when u 1st went to Aussie? Nvr take photo of that card? lol. & ya u owe me a bday card...sad la i dun think i'm able to receive ur card.
wa kao u posy comment so fast haha touched sia n surprised too. last sem cards i nv take i post on FB k?
Nice lor............
haha which part nice?? e cards???
wah u posted my mini card on your blog, i shy leh...
it's jus meant for u to see lah..haiyo why u show the whole world.... *shy shy* hehehe
haha alamak jessie it's so small how to see lei? i doubt ppl wld try n strain their eyes to see. r u happi shy? or angry shy?
omg where got small...
click onto that pic and i can see whatever i hav written liao lor
lol...i written "hehehe" wor...what do u think leh
haha mi bad lor haha.
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