Since I am talking about Faith let's start with what is faith? Many ppl have different Definations
Wiki says - Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth of or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
Church says - Faith is the belief in things unseen and we walk by faith and not by sight becoz things that can be seen are limited but things ( like Love) that cannot be seen exist forever.
But simply explain it is the things that ppl want/choose to believe in.
To me before i heard Dr A R Bernard preach 2dae i had believe that Faith was the belief in things unseen, Through our experience with that smething or someone it affects the amount of faith we have in them. And once we have faith we would believe in it even thou it cannot be seen with our eyes touched with our hands or even sensed by any of our 5 senses.
Dr Bernard says that Faith Comes reasoned trust from 3 things
1) Intellectually
2) Emotionally
3) Volitionally ( our choice or decision.)
When i heard this it was like a bulb was turned on in my head. He says that when we hear or process infomation, firstly it would engage our mind we would ponder about it, next it would stir our emotions and thus would affect our decision or choice. which is really true, this 3 criteria affects the amount of faith we have in everything that only in our religion but the faith we have in people and things too. I would lyk to Share abt Faith in mi life after hearing his msg.
Firstly, I gonna share how i developed faith in God and Myself. ( yes i am gonna share about God agn sorri ppl coz God is a big part in my life but I am taking SN suggestion in mind). I started to have Faith in Myself i guess when God Said he Loved Me. Many people might think Huh waaa u can hear God talk to U? haha as strange as it seems ya i can hear him, i hear him When i pray when i find him and in times when i need him. I rmb clearly i was in church after attending Mike Corner service, I juz join CHC then, i didn't believe that God could love me. Becoz i was not proud of mi past and all the wrongs that i did in mi past and God knows i really got ALOT. But after that service which was really special i went to the back where I sat, tears in mi eyes after crying for so much from that service, i sat there waiting for mi cg members. It was then that i heard 3 words I LOVE U. i thought oh man e music muz be so loud I am hearing things now maybe ears spoil liao haha n i brush it away. Then i heard it agn this time a Commanding Voice Roared I LOVE U. it was so loud that i turned around and no 1 seems to notice it. and i knew at that moment God said to me I LOVE U becoz i felt it all the way in my heart and i weep. From then i didn't Doubt God anymore, that He loved me for who i was and not who he wanted me to be or who i can be but who i am now. Becoz of this i started to Love miself more i started to have faith in HIm and thus in return believe in miself too. this incident had always reminded me when i attend church and why i could not bear to leave God becoz he (other den mi dad love mi for who i am). And from that day i tried to change miself to be more like Jesus becoz i wanted to be worthy of his love and that he could feel proud of mi, and to prove to mi dad as an good example. i do not wanna be a bad reflector of God and that pastor once said " if a christian is the same as he is when he was a non-believer (meaning never try to chnage for the better) than he might as well not becoem a christian coz there is no point in it right?"
Sonia i have Faith in you, why u may ask? becoz of alot of things I would answer u, There's one incident thou that i would never forget. Rmb in feb 2009 you came to send mi off at the airport, u were late but that's not the point, the point is you rush all e way down even thou u were veri buzi that day and ran to find mi haha, i din tell u this (or maybe i did) but it TOUCHED mi heart very much and thus it developed to mi faith in U. So Gal even wen u r in doubt from Xing guang Pk i supported u becoz i had faith in U, from all the singing we heard from U we REALLY HONESTly BELIEVE u can do it de.
Jessie i know u feel lyk U are living in the shadows of all ur classmates in NTU, and have doubts abt ur future. Sometimes things work out, soemtimes it don't, sometimes, things get too hard, but know this, we all will support u from behind. We have to learn to feel contend, feel contend that we gave our best thou often it is not enuf. why and how to be contend you may ask. And i wld say look at the mani ppl hu are having it worse den U and dun think there isn't any becoz u cannt see it. Count your belssing and know that when u did the best U could leave the rest to God/fate/ or whatever. and i wanna say is i Trust U and have faith in U de, we all do. so if u fall, we lift u up. Dun be so upset abt it le k.
Lastly i end off by saying that those 3 criteria is needed to build up faith but e devil also use those 3 criteria to install unbelief. So guard it well becoz some faith once it's lost can never be found agn.
I know I know~~
Somehow it is the struggle within myself. But dont worry, I will get over it. =D
Hmm...nice blog entry, n yea thx for mentioning my name yea, lol. I am happy u found sth tt u trust in and made u happy. We'll always be behind u.
wow. thanks girl, for blogging about what AR Bernard preached and for believing in me.
and you dont have to worry about how you phrase things in your blog. :D p/s: it wasn't very long lah.
OMG I tHZ u all so much for commenting even thou i ask/force most of u 2 comment. haha. SN u are so funni. Glad that u all like it to your own extend. I wld try to improve on mi blogging n writing skills.
PS: Sonia i so happi u read it le coz this post is written for U n jessie. dunno ur wow is means but Ur blog had inspired mi to change mi blogging style to write more abt mi life.
PPS: Jessie aja Fighting i see u 2nite haha
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